Thursday, May 28

b movie a continuación

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So give me a clue

The clue is in the challenge...the voice best described as dark brown, came from the more diminutive figure. Within the money you will find instructions, or rather, clues. Someone has our property and you will get it back for us. Understood? We are told you are the best, although you look like old news to me.

Tempted to enter into a slanging exchange only stopped when he was reminded of the profit he was holding…

Ok ...Im on it, we will be in touch...good day.

With that the two about turned and clumped out of the office and into the rapidly arriving day…..

Amongs the crushed currency in his hand he found a buff coloured envelope, dog eared, decorated with smudged postmarks and many stamps from, it seemed, another epoch...nothing this was the clue? The instruction?

To be continued.. .

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Saturday, May 23

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Game On - b movie pt 5

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The couple whom awaited in the clutter of what passed for an office were very visual, but reticent. Evidently communicating by body adornments...tatoos, piercings and crazy hair, goths from another fashion era...from another time… and of indeterminate sex….difficult to tell who was female and male...if indeed these were the components of this combination

As usual, the boss responsible for this cash in hand agency, was nowhere to be seen he simply arranged meets and delivered clients..the rest was up to the mutually interested parties.

So Mr uh? How can I help today...missing person, an imprudent moment which has incurred avoidable embarrasment? Do tell…Sorry, my name is, well that does not matter, nor do I require yours, but 50% of the fee up front I do require..

Still without having said a word one of the duo thrust a wad of flaccid notes into his hand…

Game on.

Monday, May 18

b movie pt 4

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B MOVIE pt 4

The phone was heralding another task to perform, guarentee of grief, unwanted right now. Another collection to be collected, but another cash job, cash is king...well, or in line to the throne, at least.


Are you home yet? Shots of conversation fired…….hitting and missing…..a grazing ricochet of commands….


No good morning how are you? this caller did not like waiting, nor exchanging pleasantries, just usual scant instructions, in reality, orders, of course no clue as to the task awaiting, but then, this was part of the interest, as much of an incentive as the cash to be collected.

Get up to the office, quick as you like, be a bit presentable, you have some people waiting, cash people.

to be continued...just dont know when

Monday - Lunes

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Quite happy to be blogging again, a little less FACEBOOK perhaps a little better understanding of this racing technology , a race which could well leave me behind, perhaps it has already.

I am trying to take something positive from this internet education, every day, so my efforts as a blogger will at least entertain you well as educate me...

So.people...I bid you a happy Monday...more to follow...Regards Innes

.Muy contento de estar blogueando de nuevo, un poco menos de FACEBOOK quizás un poco mejor comprensión de esta tecnología de carreras, una carrera que bien podría dejarme atrás, tal vez ya lo haya hecho.

Estoy tratando de sacar algo positivo de esta educación en Internet, todos los días, por lo que mis esfuerzos como blogger al menos te entretendrán ... además de educarme ...

Entonces, gente ... Les deseo un feliz lunes ... más, mas tarde...

Saludos Innnes.


Aqui estoy...

For those readers and followers whom thingk they have been abandoned can I just say sorry. Since November 23 a whole lot of problems have be...