Thursday, January 6




 Some progress, two steps forward and one step back. Seem to be getting into the health system proper with my blue sistema sanitaria from next week, yes people my looming 66th birthday!!  and even better, although I´m touching wood here, the state pension is en route, again on my birthday, so, I may be in a better place quite soon. And the downside? that little blue health card will be utilized for pending hernia surgery too which I am not looking forward.

Oh, lest I forget, although it's taken 5 years, a sports agency (which pays real money) has bought some of my work, maybe the start of something?

Well for sure, 2022 can only get better. Pandemia still lingering, and the clean-up work from the horrible volcano must continue, but yes 2022 can only get better. 


Sunday, December 19

51 thousand at Hampden...

 Tried to copy a link to a nice wee video with First Minister Nicola going on about social distancing etc meanwhile in the Mount Florida area of Glasgow where the national stadium is located 51 thousand attended the League Cup you think they were social distancing? do you think they all had 3 vaccines or PCR or Lateral Flow (whatever that is) Let's await the real results which will doubtless surface in the next few days,,,, Nice one Nic..I did however manage this.....  

Friday, December 3

dosis tercera

Today was the day...dose number three in the battle against COVID. But here is an interesting thought...I was asked if I had private health insurance...I did at one time but it was a waste of money, possibly a failure on my part for failing to read the small print. It transpired that I was in fact covered for very little..

I suspect that the nurse/auxiliary at the door was more interested in health care than profit margins, and with a wave of his hand, I received my jab.

I parted company with private health insurance. Of course, after BREXIT there is little harmony between the EU and Boris, and if I don´t get into the health system properly soon things could go sideways.

So a private system that will not cover pandemics, a public health system that is loath to administer treatment without the relevant documentation.

But wait, official numbers suggest there are many thousands of Spanish people living in Boris in theory, they will be returned to their native land, and yours truly to mine.

Maybe Priti Patel has the answer.  

Maybe not.



Tuesday, November 30

The season of goodwill

 We approach once again, the season of goodwill. Santa is fuelling his sleigh, getting ready to deliver happiness around the globe. As the first world melts into the third. 

Happiness has become a grey area. 

Privileged idiots are our leaders? Trump? Johnson? How do they obtain such positions of absolute power?

Offering only insincerity to an unsuspecting electorate.

Stolen election? Really? Bending rules or simply breaking them, sweeping aside objections, and reality. Replacing lies with new truth until no one knows what is real...and simply unreal.

So as we anticipate better times, pandemia free, let us listen to the science not the gang of privileged idiots who are supposed to lead.

Friday, November 26

Rain and reality in Western Europe.

 According to news sources we are on yellow alert or was it orange? for excessive rainfall over the next few days, well the weather guy got that quite correct.

More rain in the last 24 hours than I have seen in maybe the 5 years since I arrived on this little rock in the Atlantic. 

So what to scribble about? 

Life is quiet here, although there are problems which thankfully I have managed to avoid, like the virus sweeping the world, which now seems going over the bits it missed the first time.

And a UK Prime Minister on the hustings talks about a children´s entertainer. (If you haven't heard about this shambles just google Peppa Pig)   

Back in the land of harsh reality, the video stream was I think from Picadilly Circus, a poorly rehearsed report offered by a talking scarf suggesting Britain or at least London, was getting back to normal. 

Although early morning GMT in the English capital, shops were indeed lighting up their pre-Christmas offerings, meanwhile hastening away a huddle of homeless people who had bivouaced over a steam source insisting on their right to warmth as festive decorations did not feel the cold.

So Boris, Christmas does not feel the cold. What about you?



Sunday, November 21


And so the virus continues to sweep across continents, and yet the people protest about personal freedom.


I´m slowly arriving at a situation of doubt, doubting those 

amongst us who are against the science, against the 


Me? I just try to follow the advice, put on a mask, and stick to

the social distance thing.

Even if it´s just the short walk to the bus stop to meet a 

Lithuanian, and believe me I seldom meet anybody else in 

the countryside.

Just nearly 8 cats and a Lithuanian.

Nearly 8.

Get the vaccine, put on a mask, and breathe, in an out, with 

your own lungs, not a ventilator.

Thats all.
