Sunday, January 14

el escocés errante 1 - 0 stormy mother nature

 5.17 am....insomnia? I suppose. Too much caffine, maybe. 


Gives time to overthink the Sunday ahead.

The storm seems to have abated here in my mountain retreat with only some broken branches and little else as witness to what I thought was during gusts quite a severe attack by mother nature. But luck again on my side. But best not tempt fate.

So prepare the cameras and battle the perfectionism, looking for that shot capturing the action, the sum of the ingredients, effort, sweat, where you can almost hear. the ambience.

Images to follow.

Saturday, January 13


Sometimes I think the best music is movie themes. Been a while since I heard When the morning comes and the other song is from the film Hardball, maybe a little cheesy , but thats me. 

Football tomorrow listen in Radio Juventud Gran Canaria from Noon GMT 

Thats all

Good night


Hall & Oates - When The Morning Comes

The Storm Is Over Now

Happy birthday to me



Blowing a gale for the last 36 hours, and as I live among and above the clouds, and nearer to heaven in more ways than one, the gusts can be quite concerning. 

Banks of fog envelop this wandering Scot, even my feline community appear preoccupied.

But onto the good news,

It appears that a favourite spot on the island which was badly affected by the volcano, and was still closed by the authorities because of poisonous gas emitions, may well be coming back to life, The news came by word of mouth so my expectations remain low, however low expectations are better than none.

Your views are, as ever, welcomed. on  whatsap (0034) 608 36 23 76 or email, or I believe there is a comments section below each post.

What can I say? 




Friday, January 12

El Pensador

Just writing for the sake of writing. A cathartic process, reflection on the day the week, or at this time of year looking back on the year just gone.  

La Palma, my adopted home, wanders on at a dignified pace sending slow down signals to recently arrived tourists whom are intent on securing value for their package tour euros, cramming content in lieu of quality.. 

Thinking what would happen if I jumped on the departing ship to destination unknown, leaving behind the regaeton and bachata coctails.


La Palma 

Inaprpriate Content number 2

Well, here we go. How can I defend myself if I what the crime is? Inapropriate what exactly? My FB account was compromised a year ago, now I...