Tuesday, March 2

A sea of indifference



I was coasting along on indifference, lack of interest, concern, or sympathy, not really being affected by, well, anything.


I fell out with the dentist. Not great when you have ten German fingers, fiddling inside your mouth. Thing is, he is a great surgeon, but having performed on his particular stage of specialty, and sorted out my problemas de bucal, he wants to come back for an encore, which. I feel is not really necessary or indeed what I want.

Open (your wallet) wide, this will hurt a bit.

A bit like private health insurance I had for a short time. During that window of opportunity, I was introduced to co-pagos, where the patient has to pay a percentage of treatment cost, or, wait for it, in some cases 100%. 100%!!!! so what do I have insurance for. Hold that thought, of course, its a business, and that makes everything OK.

So, I still pay tax in good old Blighty. Yet during a clear out I found a letter from HM Government indicating that I was no longer entitled to NHS care, so my tax bill is for what exactly?

Oh goody, I can pay tax in two countries, and yet, that nice Mr Boris has told me my state pension has been postponed until my 66th summer.

Thanks dude.

Sleep well, more moaning tomorrow.

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