El escocés errante en Fuerteventura y La Palma, en inglés y español.
Wednesday, January 31
Tuesday, January 30
Let them eat cake?
Kay Burley Salary: £500,000
Kay Burley is a broadcaster and writer and is currently a presenter on Sky News, earning £500,0006. She started her career in local radio before joining TV-am in 1985 as a newsreader and presenter. Kay moved to Sky News when it started in 1988 and hosts Kay Burley @Breakfast on the news channel and she was one of the early contestants of Dancing on Ice. Ms Burley was on her news programme this morning with another talking suit about rail strikes,,,,She is of the opinion that 65, 000 (I think that was the figure cuoted) is a good living wage. Well she would on her 500,000 ...
Sunday, January 28
Saturday, January 27
Friday, January 26
Large Letters & new computers
Still typing in large script... with a background colour of yellow? It seems to have rectified itself....So looking around for people whom have left or perhaps passed on...The only things sure in life are death and taxes...
On a lighter note, new computer today, extravegant? I may have a shilling left to my name and before some politician gets a hold of it...better for me n my continuing journey through the world of tech an AI...Have a good Friday fellow Bloggers....
Thursday, January 25
朱桂芳 or in English Chu Kwei Fond
was a friend of mine when I lived and worked in Edinburgh, many , many years ago. i think she is probably in her native Hong Kong, and as such will be almost impossible to find.
So why am I looking for her? No reason realy just looking up people I have met along the way of a life which now finds me in the Spanish Canary Islands.
Have you remained in Scotland? or are you far, far away?
Wednesday, January 24
Spending money....
Thats what its there for right? Arranging funeral insurance. Oh I´m not dead yet, just trying to be responsible, or is it a waste of money? Not cheap either, however its done.
On a much lighter note, some new computer equipment is on its way, my little office is now a studio, just have to learn how to use it.
Opinions in the usual place if you please.
Tuesday, January 23
Las Brisas
A wee bit windy today but sunny and warm, quite remarkable when I see the damage and destruction caused by various storms sweeping around our twirling globe, and yet it always seems to avoid mem clearly the sun is shining on the righteous.
Monday, January 22
Dia 21
We have reached day 21 already with few expectations, but...I know (there is always a but) If you are one of the few whom look at my blog, I have a flag counter which illustrates my visitors. And I have someone from Russia!!!! Could it be Putin, can someone give me a gun?
To be fair I used flag counter before I abandoned Blogger and moved to Facebook, a move which I sort of regret.
Whatever, moving on.
Embarking on a new project in radio. which with techy changing on a daily basis may come to nothing. Someone asked me the other day was I still looking for new music? In truth, here on La Palma I´ve been doing little, and the time just flies. Maybe its living in almost solitude or simply an island where the preferred pastime is hill walking.
Who knows. But just recently when I was having such a moment of doubt and pain a little voice told me to keep going with the radio and who knows? I collaborate with a Gran Canaria based station when Mensajero play at home, yes indeed most Sundays from 12 moon. Radio Juventud. In Spanish of course and small teeams but a bit of fun and it keeps the mind going.
Anyway lovely readers thats enough babble, if you read this and have an idea for a radio show or even a name for the station, leave a message.
Or don´t bother.
Saturday, January 20
Day 20
Day 20 of 2024....and as already alured to, nothing has changed.
Countries are still bombing each other while sharp suited politicians seek solutions by dialogue. Endless meetings costing how much?
Another former big (ish) player, the First Minister of Scotland, has been caught out with a collection of lies involving her toothless Scottish Parliament.
God bless Whatsupp.
Nothing has changed.
Friday, January 19
Wednesday, January 17
Sunday, January 14
el escocés errante 1 - 0 stormy mother nature
5.17 am....insomnia? I suppose. Too much caffine, maybe.
Gives time to overthink the Sunday ahead.
The storm seems to have abated here in my mountain retreat with only some broken branches and little else as witness to what I thought was during gusts quite a severe attack by mother nature. But luck again on my side. But best not tempt fate.
So prepare the cameras and battle the perfectionism, looking for that shot capturing the action, the sum of the ingredients, effort, sweat, where you can almost hear. the ambience.
Images to follow.
Saturday, January 13
Sometimes I think the best music is movie themes. Been a while since I heard When the morning comes and the other song is from the film Hardball, maybe a little cheesy , but thats me.
Football tomorrow listen in Radio Juventud Gran Canaria from Noon GMT
Thats all
Good night
Blowing a gale for the last 36 hours, and as I live among and above the clouds, and nearer to heaven in more ways than one, the gusts can be quite concerning.
Banks of fog envelop this wandering Scot, even my feline community appear preoccupied.
But onto the good news,
It appears that a favourite spot on the island which was badly affected by the volcano, and was still closed by the authorities because of poisonous gas emitions, may well be coming back to life, The news came by word of mouth so my expectations remain low, however low expectations are better than none.
Your views are, as ever, welcomed. on whatsap (0034) 608 36 23 76 or email innesross@hotmail.com, or I believe there is a comments section below each post.
What can I say?
Friday, January 12
El Pensador
Just writing for the sake of writing. A cathartic process, reflection on the day the week, or at this time of year looking back on the year just gone.
La Palma, my adopted home, wanders on at a dignified pace sending slow down signals to recently arrived tourists whom are intent on securing value for their package tour euros, cramming content in lieu of quality..
Thinking what would happen if I jumped on the departing ship to destination unknown, leaving behind the regaeton and bachata coctails.
La Palma
Thursday, January 11
Fin del día
Bueno señores, aunque me gustaría dar las gracias a toda la gente que tarda un instante para felicitarme, el virus ha dejado su sello y no me permites hacerlo desde mi cuenta en Facebook. Entonces lo hago desde aquí.....feliz cumpleaños a mi...
Eso es español con errores ya sabes soy el escocés errante.
happy birthday to me
Switching the font size to large brings its own messge, yes dear reader the years advance. 68 candles on my cake from today,
Never mind, I have made it this far, and best not to look around the corner, be careful what you or I, wish for.
Tuesday, January 9
Monday, January 8
The beginning of Monday
Monday cometh and another week in the sun commences. Little to do but then again I am retired. I have a few projects on the go, thus the mind is kept active...really prioritizing the language learning (he said typing in English) However working on the resurrected blog keeps me busy.....
With new phone a video may sneak onto these pages, can you wait?
Stay safe people.
Sunday, January 7
The end of Sunday
The end of Sunday
Warm and Sunday, most of today, here and yet all manner of weather problems around the world. Maybe the weather Gods are letting us off lightly for good behaviour.
Football today, small provincial club called Mensajero, as you will see a few photos of the ambience on this blog, a few more coming throughout the week. Sometimes I even get paid!!!! but usually I just send the club a few images which they use for their publicity, in return I havent paid entrance money in all my days on the Islands. Sometimes am invited to away games which invariably involves flying but if the team loses the return journey is very subdued, although.
This little island is really quite a closed shop, the Palmeros suspicious of strangers where Fuerteventura was not quite so difficult to integrate and be not quite accepted but more a necessary evil, as tourist euros shore up the economy. The Spanish community of course are accustomed to sunburned English whom are only interested in a week or so of debachery, and thus we are all tarred withe same brush. However one such as yours truly who has no intention to go back to my home country, has all documents etc up to date reflecting that indeeed I am making the effort which seems to be the way forward
Anyay enough babble for one day...
Talk tomorrow?.
Friday, January 5
day 4...
nothing has changed
Putin still sending his people to die, the Ukranian counterpart responding, however I think the latter is more just in his defense.
Makes me wonder.
Now the so called Holy Land in on the act, I remind myself everyday just how lucky I am well out of the way.
Currently the biggest problem I have is attempting to control the garden or should I say jungle, which amazingly is still producing oranges, lemons and the bells of Saint Clemins (humor)
Anyhoo dear reader, the eyelids are leaden time for the return ticket ...I hope ...to a peaceful night
Wednesday, January 3
Tuesday Day 2 Tidings of comfort and joy.
Day number 2 of 2024...so what has changed? Revelations about a scary new missle that Putin can launch from anywhere and it can orbit the earth for ever until some commander orders it to despatch its nuclear lunch box.
I gleaned this from a frightened Méxican broadcasting on YouTube, so it must be true ...must be?
He seemed to be deep into his research, and authentic was his comportamiento...(I use Spanish words when the English escapes) .So be afraid from the sabre rattler from Moscow.
Words of comfort and joy indeed.
Goodnight, sleep tight.
Monday, January 1
Se acabo las fiestas
So, fiestas are over, but no dear readers for this is Spain thus the festival continues until at least the 6th of Jan....or 12th night .....for you eeeeennnnggglllleeesh, when the children get their presents and its really Christmas once again, So soon? I hear you cry.
Of course one big difference is the three kings arriving on camels or.....by Fred Olsen Ferry and postmen on scooters lobbing sweets to cheering children. Although this last mentioned practice was I believe played down a little when some small people were injured by chocolate missiles.
Anyway dear readers on this the first day of 2024 lets hope for peace between the various warring factions...
Too much to ask?
Inapropriate Content
Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...
Was that delusion peeking round the corner of life…? it was her fingernails I noticed first, that luminous give away which she (yes she!) h...
Fear. The queue was casual at a bus stop where I seem to spend a lot of time, and the girl in front of me was nothing unusual save for the f...
Tried to copy a link to a nice wee video with First Minister Nicola going on about social distancing etc meanwhile in the Mount Florida ar...