Sunday, August 29

Just wondering what to do today,,,,the sun is shining (of course), the temperature is on the way up, and noon approaches, at speed.

Retirement can be a bit strange, just like a never ending holiday. I´ve been on holiday for almost fifteen years!

I have travelled quite extensively, not just tourism but educative, I like to think. 

Now, I look across the Atlantic to Argentina, and the project of recovering the railways after abandonment of some twenty years. An absorbing challenge, but I suspect my ageing frame will decline such an adventure.

So continue with my language struggle and, of course photography while fiddling with eloquence in my native English.

But I am so lucky, living in the mountains of  La Palma, barely touched by the dreadful COVID19 virus. 

So life trundles on,,,enjoying my luck, my retirement.  

Wednesday, August 18

What to write...?

 Hot again today, a big forest fire on the west of this little island, burned for about 24 hours until the powers got it under control. So we are told.

Its suspected that someone threw a cigarette butt out of a car window, and with these high temps and a gusting need for Einstein to calculate what happened next.


Will never catch the culprit. But he or she knows what has happened. 


Sunday, August 15

Hot today....the day after...El Paso

 Hot today, well hot does not really do it justice. Even in the morning there is no respite, I have been grilled gently, baked, then ultimately barbecued., not sure if I have mis-spelled the last word.

Anyway back to football and catching the action, or attempting to do so. 

Just looking for credibility, which keeps knocking at the door. More pics later this week.


football pictures...its what I do


Wednesday, August 11

A Breakthrough!!

 As some of my readers may be aware, I (we ) have a number of cats. Some inherited, some adopted, some whom have adopted us. Potty training is all part of the responsibility, and was proving difficlt with Poppy. However after searching with Mr Google and studying info and advice, a new litter box was aquired, with the idea that we can transmit to the cat he must really use it or go out for his needs.

Hey presto, after a couple of false starts, we appear to have at least a modicum of success. Trying to keep the tray exclusively for his use as according to our local vet its all about smell...his own smell, or scent if you will.

Keep tuned to this channel for further developments.

Monday, August 9

An Important Anniversary - Lest We Forget.

 So the media is full of chatter about Lionel Messi and his tearful adiós from Barcelona , and why is he leaving? Because they cannot afford him, or rather his greed. He is on his way to another HUGE club, PSG which we assume can quench his fiscal thirst. It has been reported that he offered to halve his salary, surely this diminutive millionaire could have played for NOTHING and would still be in the black ...

But we move on.

The pub football is back here with greed no doubt but no millionaires. While I wonder if the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are interested in Señor Messi?

Days 6 & 9 of this August month a fearful reminder of  war and mass destruction.

Lest we forget.

Sunday, August 8

Exploring Saturday

 Saturday has come and gone with it the Charity Shield.

Me? I explored a little more around Fuencaliente, a neighbouring town, a wee bit bigger than a village, and was rewarded with some pleasing architecture, murals and in general , tidy streets. An authentic Spain?

As is my want, in a shop peddaling local artesan products, I asked the two ladiy helpers, if they spoke English, as EVERYBODY SPEAKS ENGLISH. Their bemused expressions were quite enough response....but they thought I was ENGLISH!!! or German or someone from a far off distant land.

I really have intended for some time now to research the island off the beaten tourist track, it is rewarding, and the locals friendly.

So a couple of purchases later, supporting palmeras whom need it the most, we bid adieu to Fuencaliente.

For now.




Thursday, August 5

Tooth ache Thursday

 Well here we go, groundhog day exists...around Christmas I think it was  when the dentist emptied my wallet, around the same time as I crunched the car...and although its months not exactly a day ...but spooky or not? 

I will be avoiding mr dentist for as long as possible, well I do not for one minute  suppose he will be interested in empty pockets... ..and the car is only wounded...

I first became suspicious when my friend here sold some land for a tidy sum, which would keep her solvent for the foreseeable future, but then as she climbed back into the undented car, and I quote Big shock!!! Guess what dear readers her bill from the tooth fairy came to exactly the same ammoiunt as recent money earned.

My suspicions were poo pood at the time, but what shall we call it, say, coincidence?

I dont think he reads my blog, does anyone? So I will avoid law suits for the time being.....

So until tomorrow---

Struggle? what struggle?

 Well dear readers, today was I must admit a bit of a pain in the proverbial. 

Managed to scrape the car against the wall of the drive while moving into a position nearer the bodega / store if you will. Bought a bottle of gas thus the nearer to the store carrying a dead weight the better, though not fo my hernia. Going to have a look at the damage in the morning, hoping I can just about fix it myself, but dont hold your breath.

Considering getting rid of the transport, but it would be a pain in the ,,,as I say proverbial, carting my foto gear onto the bus which only comes every two hours, and then in say Santa Cruz, walking up El Puente to the football ground home of Mensajero..not to mention virtually inaccesible without a car,,,the main supermarkets on our little rock..

Anyway, hope tomorrow will be better, vcant get much worse.

Eyes tired now,.

Goodnight, amigos and enemigos.

Wednesday, August 4

training with Club Deportivo Mensajero


Normally I write a draft but now....

Well now I have decided to write and publish, how can I put it, without a draft effort. Taking my blog and my writing a little more seriously, or maybe too seriously??

Trying to understand the internet better and waste less time.

Surfing has distractions, sound familiar? 

So first I am going to take advice, be a little more open to opinions, follow the experts, and see what happens, Hey presto!!! Or not as the case may be.

The blog was pretty much abandoned for a while as FACEBOOK took over, but I said this before ....oh my Facebook will remain open...but more BLOGGER


Educational  of course.

Hope you will enjoy.

Dont really know what shape its going to take, so open to opinions,,,



Inapropriate Content

Some people think I publish content, an example would be good, and maybe I well manage to get a little closer to finding whomsoever has been...